Opl Ps1 Games

  1. Opl Ps1 Games Not Showing
  2. Opl Compatibility List
  3. Ps1 Games Opl Smb
  4. Opl 0.9.3 Ps1 Games
  • OPL Manager is a awesome tool to help manage your PS2 games to use with Open PS2 Loader.
  • Ps2 Opl Ps1 Games; Download Game Ps2 Format Opl For Free; How To Update Opl Ps2; Posted by 3 years ago. Download Game Ps2 Untuk Laptop. Play games over 4gb USB OPL. (fat 32) After being a noob on ps2 modding about a fortnight ago and not wanting to spend £30 for a network adapter on my fat PS2, I messed around with E2OPL to no avail.

Open PS2 Loader (OPL) is a 100% Open source game and application loader for the PS2 and PS3 units. It supports three categories of devices: USB mass storage devices, SMB shares and the PlayStation 2.

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does ps2 play ps1 games This is a topic that many people are looking for. militaria-agent.com is a channel providing useful information about learning, life, digital marketing and online courses …. it will help you have an overview and solid multi-faceted knowledge . Today, militaria-agent.com would like to introduce to you Play PS1 Games From PS2 USB Using Popstarter and OPL Tutorial (2019). Following along are instructions in the video below:
“Are my tools for making great ps2 tutorials. Let s do this hey guys. This this is versatile from project phoenix media and today s video tutorial. I m going show you how to do the latest process for playing ps1 games with the pop starter method using opl on your modded ps2 fat or slim and in my case.

I m using free mcboot so let s get started. It s real simple. The first thing you want to do if you re doing the usb method is make sure you have a usb thumb drive or external hard drive and this format as fat32. So real quick if i go to my computer here.

I right click go to format on your thumb drive. Or usb device safe a three to get a label say start. And you re good to go. So mine is purely blank.

Opl Ps1 Games

And we ll go back to this later on in today s video tutorial next thing you want to do is there s a bunch of different files that we re gonna need for this tutorial and let me just showcase them here real quick first you need the latest version opl. I just happen to be using the latest daily version. So at the time this video recording is the 2019 zero one zero for dad zip file go ahead and download that next you re gonna need the latest version of pop starter. If you don t have that already so that s gonna be the pop starter our 13 are ip 0 6.

Go ahead and download that as well purely optional. If you already know how to convert your bin and cue files from your ps1 game to a v cd. Then use whatever program. That you like to use if not here s a real quick refresher.

I have a link in the video. Description we re going to use the q2 pops version 23. For today s example. But you can use other programs out there like psx v cd as another alternative in addition purely optional.

You don t have to do this. But i d like to update. My ulaunchelf to the latest version. So i have a link to the video description.

If you want to update yours to the latest version as well. But you don t have to if you don t want to purely optional and last. But not least. I like to use this program called all pl manager.

This is great for getting cover art and in the future tutorial. We ll use this as well to help with the cheats. Part of it which will be a future tutorial so purely optional. If you want to use it download.

If i long he certainly can but you don t have to for this particular video tutorial okay. So what we re gonna do is i ll try to break this down as simple as possible what i have here is i have a ps1 game twisted metal. That s been ripped previously through like image burn for example. So that when you rip a ps1 game.

Opl Ps1 Games


It s gonna rip. It to a cue file and a bin file top starter does not read those. Files and reads vcd. Files so using a cue to pops version 23.

All you had to do is drag that cue file onto the executable. It s gonna do the conversion and you have this vcd file. Great so let s go ahead and set up the usb structure. So i m gonna go ahead right click.

I m on i m going to cut this vcd file cut it go to my thumb drive. Here make a new folder and call that pops okay under pops. I m gonna paste it so that s the bcd file so while that is go ahead and and you know copy and paste process going on what i m going to do next is setup. The rest of my usb structure.

Here so what we talked about earlier was getting the latest lpl version. So i m gonna go into my zip file. Here. I want to drag out this open ps ld that elf file basically.

And what i m gonna do is let me just put that on the route on my usb thumb drive and later in the video tutorial. I ll show you how to use free week boots. The you lodge elf manager to copy over two files into the correct spots on your memory card okay so while that is going on next thing. We re gonna do is the o pl manager.

So i m gonna right click. This to its own folder. Here and we ll get back to that in a second. Pretty.

Shortly. Here. The next file. Here is the pops.

Underscore io x. Pac. This is a file that you re going to need for the pop starter emulation to work properly off a usb because it is a copyrighted file. I cannot give you the link to download it directly.

However you can use google and i m sure you can find it like i did and use it for this tutorial. So i m gonna go ahead. I m just gonna copy this and then on my usb thumb drive. I m going to put.

It under the pops folder like so. Okay. Next is the pop starter zip. File.


So. In the pops. All we need is a pop star turn elf go ahead take that file put it on your usb. Under the pops folder and then last.

But not least this is the one i was talking about purely optional. I m gonna upgrade or update my you launch alpha today so i m just gonna go into that zip file drag out the boot elf and put it on the root of my usb thumb drive. Okay. Great so we got the majority of it done so to recap.

You have a usb thumb drive or usb. Hard. Drive. And then on here.

You re gonna have your pops folder inside the pasta. Solder. You re gonna have the pops. Underscore io x.

Dot pack pop starter elf. And then all your v cd games. Basically all inside this one folder and in addition you re going to need the latest version of the open ps2 loader as well the ulaunchelf. Purely optional and now i m gonna run that opl manager program.

Which is also optional. But i like to do it because i want to get my cover art working to showcase it in today s video tutorial so let s go to lpl manager version 214. Run the program and then it s gonna ask you where s the path for your files. So i m just gonna go ahead and navigate straight to my usb thumb drive and say ok to the root save.

It s gonna ask you you know we don t see these folders you want to create it i m gonna say yes basically so we re good to go from there. It s gonna see there s one bad name is oh okay. That s fine. So we re just gonna select.

It and say batch convert be cd naming just in case under mode. Almost say usb start and we re done okay and then batch actions aren t download. I m just downloading all this crap here say start it s gonna download all the art files for this particular game. Which is sort of nice and it s gonna make an art folder and dump all those files into the art folder on the usb thumb drive.

Or usb hard drive. So. If i go back to my usb thumb drive right now here we go back oops let me just go back. So.

Here. We. Go. Art.


Folder has auto cover art. Awesome. And then the pops folder does the game. I was talking about earlier has been renamed properly per.

The opi manager scheme. There which is fine pop started elf pops. Underscore ios app. Pack.

Which i alluded to earlier and then these two files to boot. That elf purely optional this one you definitely need for sure to make sure this works properly at this point. In time you can go ahead and eject your usb thumb drive. And then now let s go ahead go to my ps2 and show you how this works and get ready for a lot of good times.

Let s do this. Alright so let s do. This. So.

Here i am running free mcboot. 195. Here s my fat ps2. You there s my usb thumb drive that has the playstation 1 game that we re gonna showcase for today s tutorial so let s go on till you launch out by pressing x and although most purely optional i m gonna update my ulaunchelf program to latest version so let s go to mass and i m gonna press x on budell you may or may not have this depending.

Opl Ps1 Games Not Showing

What you want to do and definitely press x. On the open ps2 loader. Elf. Press.

R1 and select copy with circle. And then we re gonna do is go back to mc 0. Go to the boot folder r1 paste with circle and it s gonna override my boot. Thought elf like i said purely optional and then also to open ps2 loader del.

After that we re good to go we can run that the dot out file directly open ps2 loader or if you have a map to your front. A home screen of your free mcboot you can also run it from there as well when you restart your ps2 in either way both are good methods. Let s go ahead and run it directly right now. So you know that you have the latest version opl.

If you see one example is this logo. So that s a good sign and then you go so press. Start and you can also go to like about to verify you have the latest version installed in terms of my settings real quick here since we re doing a usb method. I basically have usb set to auto and then hard drive ethernet all this stuff.

I have it on off for my particular setup ps1 games set to auto default menu ps1 games. Say ok say save changes. So now whenever you have a ps1 game. It doesn t matter if it s usb ethernet or internal hard drive all your pop star ps1 games show up under this tab.


If you have a usb you play. And i say ps2 games ps2 games will populate under this usb tab. But because of pops turner auto pop starboard games show up under here. Which is pretty cool and i only have one game today.

So it s just a metal. Let s go ahead and run that. And we see that the red light is blinking on my usb. So that s where the game is loading for today s tutorial.

Method the ps2 usb is 11. Speed. So it s not the fastest of course. If you don t have a computer nearby to do a network method.

If you don t have a network adapter for an internal hard drive. But a fat ps2. Maybe you don t have a fat ps2. Maybe.

Opl Compatibility List

A slim ps2 and so many usb is your only alternative ok so at least. It works. I can t say that every single ps1. Game.

Works. Great there is a compatible can t compatibility list on ps2 homecom forums. Which you can check out as well. Or you could just do trial.

And error with your own games so real quick. I m just gonna do a real quick trial. Here just so usb users get a flavor for how this works. If you re interested in doing cheats for a pop starter ps1 games yes you can but i will save that for a future tutorial because it does have a lot of detail so anyways.

Ps1 Games Opl Smb

We see the game works out fine like i said. I ve not tested every single game out there so just test whatever favorite game. You like to play. And see how well it goes.

So tennis. Days video tutorial you guys have any nitpicky questions and found here on the youtube page. I ll get back to you soon as possible once again thank you for watching take care by ” ..


Opl 0.9.3 Ps1 Games

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-OPL Development Team (c. Ifcaro & jimmikaelkael)

  • OpenPS2Loader is a front-end PS2-game-ISO launcher, and Elf/App launcher, a Virtual Memory Card (VMC) creator/manager, with CoverArt/Background display ability, and sooo much more.
    This version does not include GSM.
    Works with HDD, USB, ETH (SMB), and MC.
    Generally, once set up correctly you wont need anything else to play any game or emulator in your collection... as well as launch most apps from the very handy APPS page.
    For compatibility with older homebrew which doesnt work on current OPL versions, simply add OPL 0.8 to your APPS menu, and then launch that first before choosing your homebrew, to bypass this limitation.
    Open PS2 Loader (OPL) is a 100% Open source game and application loader for the PS2 and PS3 units.
    It now supports *.ISO images on HDD, Ethernet SMB shares, and USB while also maintaining compatibility with USB Advance/Extreme format.
    It's now the most compatible homebrew loader and it should work without ps2load or change DNASXXX.IMG tricks.

  • Version 0.9.3
    * New RDB-based DECI2 Debugging System.
    * Refactored and optimized core modules.
    * New CDVDMAN streaming mechanism for better performance.
    * Kinder, gentler, and hopefully better IGR mechanism
    * Added support for the DTL-T10000, for debugging.
    * Updated USB drivers - support drives greater than 1TB but less than 2TB in capacity, plus better reliability.
    * Eliminated the need for user-configurable delays in USB support.
    * Improved performance and stability of SMB support.
    * VMC Fix - Slot2 should no longer clone Slot1 and vice versa
    * Removed obsolete Compatibility Modes and needless GSM video modes.
    * New PS2RD Cheat Engine port by Doctorxyz.
    * Per-Game GSM Support.
    * New super-slim EE core, making mode 1 (Alt EE core) obsolete.
    * Added Accurate Reads mode, for emulating the reading speed and behaviour of the CD/DVD drive.
    * The CallBack Timer (CBT) setting now uses a standardized value and was merged into Accurate Reads mode.
    * Added a workaround for some clone network adaptors.
    * Mode 7 'IOP threading hack' removed, as the new streaming mechanism has taken care of all related issues.
    * New compatibility mode: 'high module storage'. For games that need OPL to store its modules elsewhere, to avoid a memory conflict.
    * Improved reading performance of the cdrom device.
    * Improved reliability of some CDVDMAN functions, for more consistent behaviour.
    * Improved DVD-DL support.
    * Changed 'Disable DVD-DL' to 'Emulate DVD-DL' to better explain what it does. It's to emulate DVD-DL support, for DVD9 rips (games with their 2 layers compacted into 1).
    * Fixed support for SMB usernames and passwords that are longer than 16 characters (limit extended to 31).
    * Fixed renaming functionality for USBExtreme games.
    * Various fixes for games.
    * Improved the behaviour of the auto-refresh option.
    * GSM moved to Game Options menu since its a Per-Game option now.
    * Infamous 'Blockhead Grande' theme bug SQUARSHED! (Themes should now get loaded correctly, regardless of display settings).
    * New logo design by Berion, new changed icons by El_Patas.
    * Better error reporting and help messages in general.
    * Network settings are now saved in opl_network.cfg.
    * Improved stability, design and UI responsiveness.
    * Added missing icon hints.
    * Fixed the problem with the HDLDump server being difficult to shut down properly.
    * Fixed HDD corruption caused by deleting a game from the HDD unit.
    * Added a new network update mechanism, which allows game compatibility records to be automatically downloaded from the OPL-CL service.
    * SMB server can now be specified by its NetBIOS name.
    * IP address configuration can be set automatically with DHCP, although it is still recommended to reserve an IP address for the PS2 in the network because the DHCP reservation will not be ever renewed while in-game.
    * Renamed 'Enable Delete and Rename' to 'Enable Write Operations'.
    * Changed the delete and modify VMC controls to be disabled instead of hidden, when writes are disabled.
    * ISO disc images no longer strictly need to be named in a special format. Simply put your ISO files in your CD and DVD folders and OPL will find them.
    * Renamed compatibility modes to have actual names.
    * Game history will now be updated; the 'towers' behind the 'SONY Computer Entertainment' boot screen should continue to grow.
    * Added support for OTF fonts.
    * Added support for fonts stored on the HDD unit (root of +OPL partition; hdd0:+OPL/) and USB device (root of device; mass0:/).
    * New patch: Choujikuu Yousai Macross
    * New patch: Super Robot Wars IMPACT
    * Drive state of sceCdStandby has been changed to PAUSE: Check iTV
    * New patch: Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
    * New patch: The Oneechanbara
    * New patch: The Oneechanpuruu
    * New streaming mechanism for better playability: Various BEMANI games
    * Initialization is performed for search functions: Lifeline
    Version 0.9.2
    * Merged OPL/OPLGSM codebase
    * GSM Core 0.36.R - don't worry; 0.38 will be coming back better than ever!
    * GSM Core no longer supports 576p, 1080p, Skip FMVs - this is temporary.
    * GSM Core is now IGR and CodeBreaker/PS2rd compatible!
    * GSM no longer included in Childproof builds.
    * Unified Makefile builds from single source tree via 'GSM=0/1' argument (ala VMC/No VMC)
    * The integrated LibFreeType was removed, upgraded, and moved into the PS2SDK
    * Upgraded LIBPNG, ATAD, HDPro, and DEV9 Module Code
    * Added code for the power-off RPC, for older games. They should be compatible now.
    * Added power-off processing code. Games should be able to power-off the console now.
    * Optimzed CDVDMAN and CDVDFSV
    * Support for PSX (DVR) units
    * Built-in TLB reinitialization mechanism - no more EECORE hooking and patching.
    * Added compatibility mode 7 - 'IOP Threading Hack'.
    * Replaced SMAP driver.
    * Modified SMSTCPIP.
    * Ported a version of ETH Mode types from doctorxyz's OPLGSM.
    * Retired the built-in kernel update for Protokernel consoles (SCPH-10000 and SCPH-15000).
    * New 'Show GSM on Main Menu' toggle in 'Settings' (GSM Builds Only)
    * New 'GSM Settings' on Main Menu - easier navigation! (GSM Builds Only)
    * Fixed issue with HDLSERV and GSM Settings not showing up immediately.
    * Full Ethernet controls - can disable Auto-Negotiation and force a mode.
    * Some things were are worded differently as less words carry more freight.
    * Removed redundant UDMA modes - PS2 will never handle UDMA 5 and UDMA 6.
    * Updated SMB support to give better error messages.
    * Network error codes changed slightly - 300 for connection errors, 301 for logon errors, 302 for ECHO isalive
    test failing, and 303 for share opening errors.
    * Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (Gummi Fix)
    * Baldur's Gate Series (HDD)
    * Champions of Norrath (HDD)
    * New Mode 7 fixes stuttering with games such as DDR and Pop'N Music (HDD ONLY!)
    Version 0.9
    * various fixes
    * added configurable USB delay (increase this value to avoid stucking on yellow or orange screen when using USB mode)
    * added delay to CDVDMAN functions (initially for Shadow Heart 2)
    * compatibility mode 7 which is unused now (remove useless code)
    * update to comply with the latest PS2SDK
    * added better cd tray emulation (fixes A2M games)
    * fix for DVD9 games
    * added HD Pro support
    * various fixes
    * Disabled auto-refresh of game list by default
    * layout adjustment
    * added hidden options to be able to define your own device delay before loading ART/config files
    * added skinnable start, select and action buttons
    * language files update
    * added 'list share' feature: select one share from the list and connect it to display the games
    * added ETH Prefix
    * Support for Right-to-Left scripting (Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, Tifinar, ... languages)
    * automatically create the CFG folder
    * Configuration related to DNAS/VMC/DMA/COMPAT are now saved in single per game files on each media
    * added a delay before loading per-game config file (same as Art, to not spam when navigating very fast)
    * hints now display either 'Info' or 'Run'
    * added loading attributes from a per-game file
    * added information page
    * Mode setting (PAL/NTSC/Auto)
    * Longer first-press delay for pads - more comfy controls on max repeat speed
    * short ELF name in App list (looks better for most themes)
    * Added option to specify the HDD spin down time out
    * Added theme support for multiple fonts
    * configurable IGR path (limited to 32 characters)
    * switch default background mode to 'Art'
    Version 0.8
    * secure authentication for the SMB module (to enable security and write access)
    * various SMB tweaks (NBSS keep-alive, small ingame speed-up)
    * improved NAS support for more devices (WD MyBook, Digitus NAS, ...)
    * added an embedded HDLServer into OPL to install HDD games
    * various debugging output option (to help debug failing games)
    * add compatibility for new external USB HDD with 1k/2k/4k cluster file
    * add full compatibility for old PS2 consoles (10k JAP)
    * ISO format added for USB too (still there is the 4Gb file limit, which is not present on SMB)
    * new compatibility modes
    * childproof mode (settings are locked)
    * alternate startup mode, for loading/saving configuration files from USB and HDD (no need for MC in this case)
    * added new menu to launch external ELF applications
    * added VMC (Virtual Memory Card) support
    * improved general compatibility (many specific games now working for the first time)
    * new multi-threaded and redesigned GUI
    * support for Cover, Icon and Background Art
    * skinnable interface using theme
    * added 'rename' and 'delete' functionalities for games lists
    Version 0.7
    * Improved network startups and various fixes
    * Added internal HDD support (HDL format)
    * Added the ability to choose the default menu (USB, NET, HDD games)
    * Added the ability to use a valid disc ID for online games
    * Added a fix for modchip freezing (maybe not all modchips)
    * Many new game compatibility fixes
    * Added IGR (In Game Reset) with a disable per game option
    * Added Alphabetical Sorting
    * Changed Settings categories
    * Added page scrolling (R1/L1)
    * Added support for user language files
    * Network support added for PS3
    * Zipped Theme support
    * Added PCMCIA support for the 18K
    Version 0.6
    * Switched to whole new IOP core
    * Changed some compatibility modes effect
    * Added compatibility for DVD9 layer1
    * Improved overall speed for both SMB/USB
    * Support for more embedded NAS devices
    * Support for multiple partitions
    Version 0.5
    * Added compatibility modes
    * isofs/cdvdman now use disc type
    * cdvdman now has streams
    * Added network support
    * Static interface available
    * Added language support
    * It works in PS3 with PS2 emulation by software
    Version 0.41
    * Added theme support
    * Now uses latest usb driver from svn
    Version 0.4
    * New interface
    * Core and drivers 100% open source
    Version 0.3
    * Discontinued (open usb loader starts)
    Version 0.2b
    * It uses a embedded free USBD module.
    * Select video mode
    Version 0.2
    * Replace USB Advance's reset function for a reset using 'rom0:UDNL rom0:EELOADCNF' as argument.
    * It works in PS3 with PS2 emulation by software
    Version 0.1
    * Replaces ExtraeModulo() function instead of run after that.
    Version 0.0
    * Initial version

  • OPL uses the same directory tree structure across HDD, SMB, and USB modes ...
    --- 'CD' (for games on CD media - i.e. blue-bottom discs)
    --- 'DVD (for DVD5 images; DVD9 images on USB must be split)
    --- 'VMC' (for 8MB Virtual Memory Card images)
    --- 'CFG' (for saving per-game configuation files)
    --- 'ART' (for box and disc art images)
    --- 'THM' (for themes support)
    Game files on USB must be perfectly defragmented either file by file or by whole drive, and Dual Layer DVD9 images must be split to avoid the 4GB limitations of the FAT32 file system. We recommend Power Defragmenter for best defragging results, and our own comman line tool iso2usbld to convert or split games into USB Advance/Extreme format ...
    Other utilities are: USBUtil 2.0, USB Extreme installer or USB Insane.
    For loading games by SMB protocol you need to share a folder (ex: PS2SMB)
    on the host machine or NAS device and make sure that it has full read and write permissions. USB Advance/Extreme format is optional - *.ISO images are supported using the folder structure above with the added bonus that DVD9 images don't have to be split if your SMB device uses the NTFS or EXT3/4 file system.
    For PS2, 48-bit LBA internal HDDs up to 2TB are supported. They have to be formatted with either WINHIIP or uLaunch. From there, use uLaunch to make a partition (rec. minumum of 2GB) named 'OPL'. If OPL detects this partition at start up, it'll automatically create the above directory structure. Use it to migrate ART, THEMES, CFGs, VMCs, etc. off your MC or USB stick to the internal HDD and free up space on those devices.
    To launch OPL, you can use any of the existing methods for loading an executable elf.
    On PS3, you need an original SwapMagic 3.6+ or 3.8 disc (at the moment there aren't any other options). The steps for loading OPL on a PS3 are:
    1. Rename OPNPS2LD.ELF to SMBOOT0.ELF
    2. Make a folder in root of USB device called SWAPMAGIC and copy
    SMBOOT0.ELF to it.
    3. Launch SwapMagic in PS3 and press UP+L1 then Open PS2 Loader should start.
    There are 4 forms for launching elfs in SwapMagic.
    SMBOOT0.ELF = UP + L1
    SMBOOT1.ELF = UP + L2
    SMBOOT2.ELF = UP + R1
    SMBOOT3.ELF = UP + R2

  • - OPL Development Team -
    (as of right now listed in current stable version 0.9.3)
    ... and the anonymous ...
    E P