Richard Tan Balance Method

Filed Under: Acupuncture, Balance Method, Chinese Medicine, Dr. Tan's Balance Method Tagged With: Balance Method Acupuncture, Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan About Johanne Former dancer turned NYC corporate attorney who reclaimed her passion for life. A party named themselves Dr. Tan's successores had never been approved legally by Dr. Richard Tan before or after he died. All the honors they claimed are this party's personal wishes and dreams only. Richard Tan never gave anybody his books' copyrights including French, German and English version but to his own Trustees. Dr Tan’s Balance Method acupuncture focuses on selecting meridians to obtain ‘local balance’ and ‘global balance’. It is based on how one channel can balance other channels. Painful areas are not needled directly. Rather pain is alleviated by selecting distal points on the four limbs or on the head. The Balance Method is a specialized discipline within Oriental medicine. It was created by Dr. Tan openly teaches his Balance Method techniques to practitioners who are willing to learn and use his various techniques to facilitate rapid healing.


  • During 2 days of the course the participants will be introduced to the system of Acupuncture Balance patterns, which are easy to understand and implement into practice.
  • Ekaterina Fedotova will present and teach the acupuncture balance needling methods demonstrating how to instantly get rid of 90% of chronic pain.
  • After the training each participant will be able to achieve high level results in successfully treating any local musculoskeletal pain (numbness, burning, stiffness etc) of any origin.
  • Participants will learn meridian relationships, based on Balance Method teachings. They will also learn some important Master Tung’s points, relevant to the Balance Method.
  • The participants will be introduced to the concept and method of Emotional & Stress Release Techniques which can then be successfully incorporated into Acupuncture practice.


  • Historical roots or Distal Acupuncture Balance Method.
  1. Homo and Hetero- systems.
  2. Introduction of the fundamentals of Chinese medical philosophy including Tai Chi Theory, Yin-Yang, the Eight Trigrams and Ba Gua
  3. The Early Heaven Ba Gua
  4. Fu Xi Gua
  5. Application of Early Heaven Ba Gua and Fu Xi Gua in Acupuncture
  • Acupuncture Treatments:
  1. Lower Back Pain;
  2. Pain Upper Back;
  3. Pain Nipple;
  4. Tennis elbow;
  5. Achilles;
  6. Carpal Tunnel;
  7. Shoulder blade pain on SI;
  8. GB tension headaches.
  9. Matrix analysis: “Smart pick” to treat ANY local pain
  10. Nausea
  11. Headache 4 Gates; headaches all over, migraine;
  12. Magic points for headache,
  13. Migraine + Vomiting
  14. Hand’s Neuropathy
  15. Facial Paralysis – Bell’s paralysis – Wind stroke
  16. Trigeminal Neurolgia
  17. Paralysis after stroke
  18. Shingles
  19. Sacral pain
  20. Ren & Du problems
  21. Introduction to Scalp Acupuncture
  22. Neck & Shoulder pain
  23. Neck pain
  24. LBP Ling Ku Combo
  25. LBP Treatment for the pain radiating down the leg
  26. Sacral Pain
  27. Kidney problems
  28. Treating fingers and toes.
  29. Gout
  30. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  31. Elbow pain
  32. Knee pain
  33. Knee pain inside patella
  34. Pain around umbilicus
  35. Other patterns to treat any local masculo-sceletal pain ( numbness, burning, stiffness, discomfort etc).
  • The participants will be introduced to the concept and method of Emotional & Stress Release Techniques which can then be successfully incorporated into Acupuncture practice.
  • Strengthening Acupuncture treatment: Power of Forgiveness and Letting Go in Energy Medicine; This outstanding and extremely effective technique has been developed by a famous Russian psychologist Mira Moiseeva. It works like a ‘washing machine’ for our subconscious mind, washing away negative memories, destructive past experiences or any stressful situation.
  • Seven Points check list: gives a firm structure for self-analysis, positive re-programming and emotional release practice.
  • Releasing emotional ‘baggage’ and Letting Go negative emotions: Formula of Forgiveness & Letting Go.

Lecturer: Ekaterina Fedotova MSc, BSc (Hons)


Ekaterina Katia Fedotova is a licensed acupuncturist, Reiki Master and certified Psychologist. She was taught by the world-class acupuncturist Dr Richard Tan and famous Reiki Master Mira Moiseeva. Katia has over 18 years of experience in Holistic Medicine as a trainer and therapist. She has been practicing Balance Method applied to acupuncture, colourpuncture and energy medicine and has taught workshops in England, Spain and Russia.

For more information about Ekaterina visit

Training & Registration

“Since I have taken this fantastic course, I obtain optimal results within 5 minutes of treatment for pain relieve. It works like magic!! My clients are very satisfied and amazed with the improvement or total disappearance of their pain. Great positive impact for my professional development. Exceptional teacher Katia.

Highly recommend it!”

Patricia Linero

“Katia’s seminar was a life changing opportunity. It sorted most of my doubts that I had before. Practising this acupuncture style, you start trusting yourself as you see the results. I appreciate many examples that Katia has given us from her own practice. By the end of the first course day, I was decided to reorientate my practice for Mr. Tun’s acupuncture because I really felt confident and empowered at the same time.”

Katerina Chot

“I attended the course a couple of months ago, and was soon very impressed about how acupuncture, after many years of practicing, suddenly made total sense. It unveiled a whole different perspective, that all acupuncturists should know.

The teacher provided a lot of personal insights and clinical tips. The method was very easy to understand (an to apply). And, results are IMMEDIATE.

Learning the Balance Method is a must for all practitioners…”


Jason Smith

“Many thanks for the training that I attended in London recently. I found it a very rich and fascinating few days. I’m sure we all received a lot to augment our individual acupuncture practices.”

Titus Foster

“I’ve been getting amazing results using images and mirroring and some of the matrix.

Much more quickly and more flexibly than with traditional needling. I am delighted to integrate this thinking into bamboo work.”

Oran Kivity

“Katia gave a very clear introductory presentation of a theoretically complex subject.

What fascinated me was the grounding in Chinese channel theory, and witnessing some of this theory spring to life in clinical practice.”

Dvorah Kadish

Dr Tan Balance Method Chart

“Dear Katia

I would just like to thank you so much for the wonderland enlightening four days I spent with you on your course. This system of acupuncture seems to make so much sense. The shower cleansing teaching on Sunday morning was fantastic. You have given us a much needed tool for ourselves and our patients. You are an inspiration.”

Judith Ritchie

Dr Tan Balance Chart

“This is just a quick email to tell you how much I loved your workshop.”

Dr Richard Tan Balance Method

Mario Pinotti

“Thanks you for a wonderful weekend. So much to learn and explore. “

Sara Mayne