Data Truncation Incorrect Date Value

  1. Com.mysql.jdbc.mysqldatatruncation Data Truncation Incorrect Date Value
  2. Data Truncation Incorrect Date Value 'null' For Column

ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:78 Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: ' for column 'version' at row 1 Posted by: ankita modi Date: December 18, 2008 04:18AM. With mysql 5.7, date value like 0000-00-00 00:00:00 is not allowed. If you want to allow it, you have to update your my.cnf like: sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf. mysqld Add after: sqlmode='NOZEROINDATE,NOZERODATE,ERRORFORDIVISIONBYZERO,NOAUTOCREATEUSER,NOENGINESUBSTITUTION'. Restart mysql service.

  • 实体类中的类型是Date 数据库中是timestamp Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '0' 重点是最后的'0'啊 百度了很多, 但是别人都是Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: for column 'XXX' 有的说是数据库版本问题 有的说是jar包里的mysql-connector-java版本问题 但我同项目下不同包的另一个程序也有插入datetime的sql语句,就没.
  • I have created a simple table with only one column (timestamp) and it fails. Insert into backup.test (timestamp) values ('2013-03-10 02:01:03') insert into backup.test (timestamp) values ('2013-03-10 02:02:03') There might other combinations but i think you get the idea.

Re: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect date value: '2' for column 'FROMDATE' at row 1 Posted by: Tobias Bege Date: November 13, 2006 06:57AM.

Incorrect datetime value 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 Database Error Number: 1292

Hi Everyone I’m having a problem a with a server upgrade done by my hosting company and I’m trying to understand what is occurring so i can fix the problem

My sever has recently been upgraded to Server version: 5.6.17 and I’m getting errors all over the place saying my datetime value is incorrect?

It seem to be add +0000 to the end of the datetime but I’m not sure why. This used to work perfectly fine on 5.5 but a recent upgrade has affected how my timestamps work

If I modify this sql query without +0000 it works?

It affects anything that is a type of DATETIME on my table.

Has anyone else had a similar problem and now what the solution is to get this to work. At the moment I’m thing I will have to change all my PHP functions to echo the Date/Time rather than me calling NOW() on the query string


I discovered after upgrading to MySQL 5.7 that this error started occurring in random situations, even when I wasn’t supplying a date in the query.

This appears to be because previous versions of MySQL supported dates like 0000-00-00 00:00:00 (by default) however 5.7.4 introduced some changes to the NO_ZERO_DATE setting. If you still have old data present when using a newer MySQL version, then random errors may crop up.

I needed to perform a query like this to reset all the zero dates to another date.

Alternatively, you may be able to adjust the NO_ZERO_DATE setting, although note what the docs say about it:

The NO_ZERO_DATE mode affects whether the server permits ‘0000-00-00’ as a valid date. Its effect also depends on whether strict SQL mode is enabled.

  • If this mode is not enabled, ‘0000-00-00’ is permitted and inserts produce no warning.

  • If this mode is enabled, ‘0000-00-00’ is permitted and inserts produce a warning.

  • If this mode and strict mode are enabled, ‘0000-00-00’ is not permitted and inserts produce an error, unless IGNORE is given as well. For INSERT IGNORE and UPDATE IGNORE, ‘0000-00-00’ is permitted and inserts produce a warning.

As of MySQL 5.7.4, NO_ZERO_DATE is deprecated. In MySQL 5.7.4 through 5.7.7, NO_ZERO_DATE does nothing when named explicitly. Instead, its effect is included in the effects of strict SQL mode. In MySQL 5.7.8 and later, NO_ZERO_DATE does have an effect when named explicitly and is not part of strict mode, as before MySQL 5.7.4. However, it should be used in conjunction with strict mode and is enabled by default. A warning occurs if NO_ZERO_DATE is enabled without also enabling strict mode or vice versa. For additional discussion, see SQL Mode Changes in MySQL 5.7.

Com.mysql.jdbc.mysqldatatruncation Data Truncation Incorrect Date Value

Because NO_ZERO_DATE is deprecated, it will be removed in a future MySQL release as a separate mode name and its effect included in the effects of strict SQL mode.



The TIMESTAMP data type is used for values that contain both date and time parts. TIMESTAMP has a range of '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTC.

The DATETIME type is used for values that contain both date and time parts. MySQL retrieves and displays DATETIME values in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. The supported range is '1000-01-01 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59'.

you should use this type in: DateTime format


you should remove the space like your code '2014-04-02 08:49:43 +0000' and change the code like '2014-04-02 08:49:43+0000' as full query is following as:

look here :!2/a2581/23099


Short answer – NOW() in your query should work perfectly well with a MySQL DATETIME column.

Data Truncation Incorrect Date Value 'null' For Column

Longer answer – I’m not sure how you ever saw +0000 working. The DATETIME column is formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. When it comes to timezone differences, it’s generally something you need to handle programmatically. MySQL does convert local times to UTC and back again when storing and retrieving TIMESTAMP data – but it doesn’t do this with DATETIME or other Date / Time columns.


Ok, so I was having this same error. What I did to fix it was use these lines of code to query the database I was having issues with:

The first line of code (SELECT) is to see what the current setting are for both ‘SESSION’ and ‘GLOBAL’. Once you set them both to empty strings and run the select again, they should return nothing (be empty).

You may also need to use SET SESSION sql_mode = '; but this resolved the issue for me. Basically one of the settings in there was jacking up the way the date was coming into the database (I was getting it in a ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AM/PM’ format). Deleting NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and the other date option didn’t help me.

My site is working like it’s supposed to now. Hopefully this helps.

Tags: database, date, datetime, time