Duplicate Track In Garageband

What is the easiest way to duplicate a region in GarageBand? Related Entries: Duplicate Automation Curves, Duplicate Track, Select Multiple Regions. NEW: Minute GarageBand Videos. Scroll down to see and hear it instead of just reading it! While it's possible to use the standard of Copy and Paste to duplicate a region in GarageBand, the easiest method for duplicating one or more.

Sure. Create as many drum tracks as you need (not Smart Drums.) Build your pattern. When it's done, use the Tracks view to copy/paste the sequence as many times as you need to. (Make sure to return the time wiper to zero each time you paste.)

  1. In GarageBand on the iPad, unfortunately, you're forced to keep your track’s volume and panning at the same levels for the duration of the song—there’s no room for in-track tweaks.
  2. In an earlier movie we went through the process of creating arrangement markersto identify sections of the song, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, and so on.The following example will show you how to create a full-length song out ofunique small sections just by using the power of the arrangement track and alittle old fashioned copy and paste.Now this example doesn't really work great.

Garageband Tracks View

You can then edit the track sequences to isolate each drum sound to its own track. Tap a sequence and chose Edit from the options that appear. This will bring up a piano-roll view with each drum sound on its own lane. Tap and hold the drum icon in the left margin. This will select all the notes of that sound in the sequence. You can now delete them. (Tap one of the notes and the delete option will appear.)

How To Create Duplicate Track In Garageband

This is slightly tedious. But track by track you can delete all the drum sounds in a track except the one you want to keep in the track. You can wind up with all the kick evengts on one track, snare evemts on their own track, and so on.

Duplicate Track In Garageband

Export Garageband Tracks Ipad

As for exporting to another DAW for processing, you may have something in mind I don't know about. But I don't think GB will export in MIDI format. You could export audio, sort of -- send the whole thing to GB on a Mac, then solo the tracks, one at a time, and export/save each as AAC or MP3/4 audio. Not sure your other DAW would understand, though.

Good luck.

Exporting Garageband Tracks

Sep 29, 2012 6:35 PM