Educational Social Media Apps

Educational Social Media Apps

The impact of social media over the last 20 years has been significant, but current trends indicate that the sector's future will include more oversight. Teachers will also learn about safe use of social media, student versus teacher roles and digital classroom management. By the end of the course, teachers will have acquired more knowledge about using Apps and Social Media as an educational tool, enhance student engagement and improve communication among students and teachers. Last fall, I took a leap by connecting my classroom. Through Twitter, Instagram, Skype, Flickr, and blogging, my students published their projects and writing to an audience beyond their peers and me. Aug 07, 2020 Top X. Best 20 Social Media Apps That Will Rule in 2020 Mobile social media is famous, and is fashionably followed by a huge user base of 3.5 billion people around the globe. Best Apps for Boosting Your Educational Social Media 3 In-service Credits/ 45 Hours Instructor: Meredith Starr February 1-28, August 1-29, September 1-29. Tablets and iPhones are a game changer for education.

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Best Apps for Boosting Your Educational Social Media
3 In-service Credits/ 45 Hours Instructor: Meredith Starr February 1-28, August 1-29, September 1-29

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Tablets and iPhones are a game changer for education. In a research study led by UAB researcher Pere Marques, 87% of teachers say that using digital tablets or smartphones for classroom learning activities improves understanding of information, digital skills, creativity, independent learning and increase motivation to learn in the classroom. In the Socially Networked Classroom course you learn how to expand your classroom beyond its walls and into a student’s life through social networking media. This course can be taken as a companion course, a follow up course or just independently by the teacher already comfortable with social media. Learn to enhance your social media content with apps such as Vine, Brushes, Tadaa, and build substance through such apps such as Kahn Academy. In addition, you will discover tools and articles to support the apps you already use, and develop a confidence in how to create your own learning network. Faculty are sophisticated consumers of social media, this course will help you become a producer. This course is appropriate for all teachers N-12, in all curriculum areas such as ELA, Social Studies, Science, Foreign Language, Math, the Arts, and Special Education, Guidance Counselors, School Psychologists and Social Workers . Beginners are welcome. There is no prerequisite for this course.